Advice Centres


(Members of the Referral site )

Account3 is a women led training and development agency providing accredited functional skills, vocational skills and leadership training for women of Tower Hamlets. Our IAG support programme supports women in all aspects of employment planning and progression and assists to identify relevant training opportunities and jobs.

In addition account3 provides:
One to one welfare benefits, housing and debt advice for Tower Hamlets residents and a full day nursery for under 5’s.

Address 3 Birkbeck Street, Bethnal Green, London, E2 6JY
Tel 020 7739 7720

Age UK East London

(Members of the Referral site)

Age UK helps those 50+ and their carers with welfare benefits, housing, social care, health & disability, utility & keeping warm, travel and consumer issues.

Address 82 Russia Lane, London, E2 9LU
Tel 020 8981 7124


(Members of the Referral site)

APASEN offers timely, relevant, and accurate information, advice, and advocacy support for people with disabilities living in Tower Hamlets. We specialize in benefits such as Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Attendance Allowance, Universal Credit, Carer’s Allowance, and other disability-related benefits.

We are accredited with the Advice Quality Standard (AQS) for casework in housing, welfare, and disability, and we hold the Quality Performance Mark (QPM) for our advocacy services.

Address Carmine Wharf, 30 Copenhagen Place, London, E14 7FF
Tel 020 7001 2267

For more information, please reach out to APASEN directly through any of the contact channels listed above.

Bangladeshi Youth Movement (BYM)

Benefits, housing, nationality and immigration services (level 1), general advice and information.

Address 21-23 Henriques Street, London, E1 1NB
Tel 020 7488 1831

Bromley By Bow Centre 

(Members of the Referral site)

Bromley By Bow Advice Centre – Provides Advice on welfare benefits, housing and debt problems provided at the centre and at outreach centres in the local area.

East End Energy Fit – Offers free and impartial and confidential advice for people who are struggling to pay their gas, electricity or water bills to help you keep your home warm, stay on top of your bills and save money

Money Management Support Services – 1:1 Support and workshops to help residents of Tower Hamlets, Newham & Hackney manage their energy costs and learn online skills to help manage money better.

Address St Leonard’s Street, London E3 3BT
Tel 020 8709 9745

Carers Centre Tower Hamlets

(Members of the Referral site)

A comprehensive service supporting unpaid carers to live fulfilling lives by providing:

  • Advice & Support – Carers Assessments, information and advice and advocacy
  • Welfare Benefits – from application to appeal, for unpaid carers and those they care for.
  • Carers Wellbeing Academy – yoga, respite breaks, counselling and much more, you can see our events and activities calendar here
  • Young Adult Carers Project – weekly groups and fun monthly activities for carers aged 16-25.
  • Royal London Hospital Carers Support – information and advice on discharge, support in the community.

Address 21 Brayford Square, London, E1 0SG
Tel 020 7790 1765

Citizens Advice Bureau (Whitechapel)

(Members of the Referral site)

 Appointments for specialist Benefit & Employment cases booked following an initial assessment at drop-in sessions. 

Address 32 Greatorex Street, London, E1 5NP
Tel 020 7247 1050
Advice line 0344 826 9699


(Members of the Referral site)

We provide welfare and generalist advice to those residents who are deaf or hard of hearing in British sign language. Appointment bookings text only: 07392-776317: e-mail:

Address Trinity Centre Key Close Whitechapel, London, E1W 2QD
Tel: 020 3001 1728


Debt Free London

(Members of the Referral site)

Our trained and accredited advisors, which within Tower Hamlets are based within Toynbee Hall, can support with all types of money worries – from rent and council tax arrears, to credit card and catalogue debt.

Telephone/WhatsApp: 0800 808 5700    Webchat:

Video chat:

First Love Foundation

(Members of the Referral site)

First Love Foundation Advocacy & Advice Service delivers holistic advocacy and AQS accredited benefits advice to struggling, low-income, hard to reach households experiencing emotional and financial crisis. We offer telephone and face-to-face appointments.

Address : First Love Foundation, Import Building ,Unit G06, 2 Clove Crescent London E14 2BE
General Enquiry Line 020 8389 9002

Island Advice Centre

(Members of the Referral site)

Advice from basic help and information, help with forms to specialist level in welfare benefits, housing and debt for residents of Tower Hamlets

Address Island House, Roserton Street, E14 3PG
Genral Enquiry Line 020 3069 9877.

Legal Advice Centre

Specialist level advice on welfare benefits, employment and housing

Web enquiry for disability benefit appeals:

Address University House, 104 Roman Road, E2 0RN

Contact Us – University House – Legal Advice Centre & A2J Lab
Tel 0203 606 0372

Limehouse Project

(Members of the Referral site)

Limehouse Project (LHP) is a thriving grassroots and an award-winning organisation with a history of servicing the Limehouse area of Tower Hamlets and East London since 1984.

The Advice Service at Limehouse Project offers free confidential generalist impartial one-to-one information, advice and support on:

  • Welfare Benefits (Including Benefits Checks)
  • Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
  • Immigration (Basic Level Advice)
  • Housing
  • Energy Efficiency and advice and support
  • Debt (Basic Level Advice)

This service is offered via pre-booked appointment only both face to face and telephone advice. Clients are seen on a first-come-first served basis, when we are at full capacity clients are put on the waiting list or referrals are made to other local advice organisations.

Further information can be accessed via the LHP’S website or contact us via email/letter or telephone.

Address: 791-791 Commercial Road, Unit 2, St Anne Street, London, E14 7HG
Tel: 020 7538 0075 (phone line is open Monday-Friday from 9:30am-1pm and 2pm-4pm)

London Borough Tower Hamlets Advice Services

(Members of the Referral site)

Resident Support Outreach Team
Assist with universal credit claims and support, benefit checks, hardship grants, housing benefit applications and Discretionary Housing Payments

Telephone 0207 364 3828 / 4710 / 7321 / 7010

Financial Support Team
Rent arrears, Income Maximisation and Benefit Checks, Discretionary Housing Payments

Telephone 0207 364 4080 / 3680

Ocean Somali Community Association

Ocean Somali Community Association (OSCA) provides advice, guidance and information to the Somali community in East End.
This includes welfare advice, skills training and access to jobs.

Address Concordia Centre, 420-421 Burdett Road, London, E3 4AA
Tel 020 7987 5833

Positive East

(Members of the Referral site)

Service available to those live in Northeast London or who access their HIV care at Northeast London clinics.

Positive East Provides Information Advice and Advocacy on welfare benefits, HIV/STI testing, counselling and peer support, workshops and offers volunteering opportunities to the whole community.

Address 159 Mile End Road, London, E1 4AQ
Tel 020 7791 2855

Praxis Community Projects

(Members of the Referral site)

Pan-London advice and support for both new & settled migrants. (Praxis is a migrant rights organisation and our services are only available to migrants).

We are a migrant rights organisation providing pan-London advice and support for migrants and refugees. Our main focus is on the provision of specialist immigration advice (up to OISC Level 2) but we also provide some generalist advice on areas such as welfare benefits, housing & homelessness, community care, and asylum support.

Referrals taken for immigration advice only for TH residents /individuals without a fixed address. Due to capacity, priority will be given to destitute migrants.

Please try to signpost residents to our drop-in or phone advice sessions in the first instance.

importantly our drop-in service only has 12 immigration appointments, it’s first come first served and it is only for residents of TH or Hackney or those with NFA.

Drop-in service is 2nd Wednesday of the month, 9.30am-1pm. See website for upcoming dates.

Advice line is open: Wednesdays 2-5pm and Thursdays 10am-1pm.

Call: 020 7749 7605

Address Pott Street, London, E2 0EF
Tel 020 7729 7985
Advice Line 020 7749 7608

Rooted Finance 

(Members of the Referral site)

We are a free debt advice charity who provides advice throughout London. We support client with income maximisation, budgeting and debt advice.

Opening hours – Monday to Friday 9 – 5pm

We are not open for drop-ins as we have a hybrid work pattern and staff are on outreach.
Always call our number before deciding to visit our office.

Address The Green House, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Road London E2 9DA
Tel 0203 475 8811

Website   Rooted Finance | Debt Free Advice

St. Hilda’s East Community Centre

Advice & Guidance Service (Members of the Referral site)

Providing free, confidential and impartial advice to local residents on a range of issues and help with  form-filling and advocacy. Bookings and drop-in appointments available. Advice on: Welfare rights, housing and debt. Available in Bengali (Sylheti) and English
Daytime Advice: Mon-Fri
Appointments: 10am-1pm
Telephone service: 1-5.30pm

Address St Hilda ‘s Centre, 18 Club Row, E2 7EY

Website :
Email :
Tel: 020 7739 8066

Evening Legal Clinics

Advice on: Benefits, consumer, housing, employment and small claims
Please note: No advice is given on immigration, family, crime (or debt in the Legal Clinics) and we’re not able to take on cases and represent clients at tribunals or at court.

Legal advice clinic run by reputable City law firms:
Wed 6-8pm deals with Welfare benefits, consumer, employment and housing issues at Sonali Gardens, 79 Tarling Street, E1 0AT
Thurs 6-8pm at St Hilda ‘s Centre, 18 Club Row, E2 7EY

Email :
Tel: For evening legal clinics call: 020 38342841
or email:

Stifford Centre

(Members of the Referral site )

The Stifford Centre is a registered charity and community hub, in the Stepney Green neighbourhood of the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Our aim is to support individuals in the community with health and wellbeing, welfare, housing and debt advice, study support, women’s, older people’s and youth provision, as well as education, training, and employment.

Address 2-6 Cressy Place, Stepney Green, London,E1 3JG
Tel 0207 791 2536

St Peters Bengali Association

Advice Tower Hamlets provides free, confidential, independent, quality assured-advice to help Tower Hamlets residents resolve their cost-of-living issues relating to welfare benefits, housing, money/debt employment, immigration, consumer, education, community care, family and personal issues at a generalist /specialist level. Citizens Advice Tower Hamlets leads the partnership with 13 local advice agencies.

Address Minerva Community Centre, 10 Minerva Street, London, E2 9EH
Tel 0207 729 1036

Tower Hamlets Connect

(Members of the Referral site/ Referrer Only)

Tower Hamlets Connect is an information, advice and advocacy service. Tower Hamlets Connect can help Tower Hamlets residents live independent, healthy and fulfilling lives. It provides free, independent, quality-assured information, advice and advocacy across health, social care and social welfare to resolve issues and prevent or delay any needs or problems from getting worse.

Tower Hamlets Connect operates as an access point to Adult Social Care services in the borough.

Tel 03003036070

Tower Hamlets Law Centre

(Members of the Referral site)

Specialist legal advice services to residents in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets in the areas of welfare benefits, immigration, employment and housing

Address Unit 1, St Anne’s Street, off 789 Commercial Road, London, E14 7HG
Tel 0207 538 4909

Toynbee Hall

(Members of the Referral site)

Legal Advice; Employment, Housing, Debt, Consumer, Family and Civil Litigation. Specialist Debt Advice and Money Management. Macmillan Welfare Rights Advice. Generalist Advice for those who live, work or study in the City Square Mile.

Address 28 Commercial St, E1 6LS
Tel 020 7392 2953

Wapping Bangladesh Association

Mostly Bangladeshi service users, but open for all. Advice and general help including casework on benefits, housing and utility bills for the residents of Tower Hamlets only

Address 1st Floor, Wapping Youth Club, Tench Street, London, E1W 2QD
Tel 02077021708 11am to 4pm Monday / 11am to 4pm Wednesday


Other Support

Aisha Help (Members of the Referral site)

Aisha help is a UK based charity and works with vulnerable individuals, children and families. We reach out to those individuals who are in the greatest of need, suffering hardship, disadvantaged, isolated or marginalised from society and help them to become independent. We are responding to the needs of the community with the following services:

Information & Advice
Benefits advice and support
Outreach & Engagement
Multilingual Helpline
Digital Inclusion
Employability programme
Befriending programme

Address Queensbury place, London E12, 6UN
Tel  020 8088 7650

Bromley By Bow Centre Money Management (Members of the Referral site : Financial Capability – Money Management Workshop)

Money management support 1:1 support and workshops to help resident of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Hackney manage their energy costs and learn online skills to help manage money better.

Address St Leonard’s Street, London E3 3BT
Tel 020 8709 9757

Clean Slate (Members of the Referral site: Financial Capability)

​Clean Slate’s unique Money Health-Check Service helps people who are struggling to maximise their income, reduce spending and improve how they manage money. The money guidance that follows can help people get back in control, secure their housing and ‘future-proof’ their finances, more about that here
Anyone can get in touch and refer themselves via the relevant online referral form, or contact us to be directed to the relevant service: To make referrals through the THCAN referral system – Please select Financial Capability

For those who would prefer a face-to-face appointment, you can still direct them to our drop-in services at the following locations:


  • 9:30am – 4:30pm (First and third Monday each month)
    The Teviot Centre, 1 Wyvis St, London, E14 6QD


  • 9:30am – 3pm
    Feldy Community Centre, 18 Aberfeldy Square, Aberfeldy Village, E14 0XA
  • 10am – 12pm
    Marie Lloyd Day Care Centre, 329 Queensbridge Rd, London E8 3LA


  • 9:30am – 12:30pm
    The Seddon Centre, 33 Clyde Place, London, E10 5AS

DeafPlus Health & WellBeing (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing Activities )

DeafPLUS provides health & wellbeing activities. Our work tackles health inequalities and social isolation amongst D/deaf and hard of hearing people.  We provide various activities, workshops, training and courses that is available for clients, families and health professionals to crucially improve access for deaf and hard of hearing community. We provide various types of activities, such as:

  • Health workshops
  • Family holiday activities
  • Deaf Awareness Training for health professionals
  • Lipreading classes
  • Arts and crafts events
  • Befriender support

Address Trinity Centre Key Close Whitechapel London E1 4HG
Tel 020 7 790 8478
Website Tower Hamlets – deafPLUS

Family Action FOOD (Members of the Referral site : Food Support) 

Family Action has launched Food On Our Doorstep (FOOD) clubs to provide good-quality food at a low cost, while also reducing food waste.

It costs just £1 a year for a family to become a member. Once you’ve joined, you can purchase a bag of tasty food items every week worth approx. £10-£15 for just £4!

Food Stores are open in these venues:

Cyprus Street Estate Office Food Store
Bethnal Green, London E2 0PD
Wednesdays 1pm-3pm

Whitechapel Food Store
15 Romford Street, London E1 1HX
Thursdays 10am-12pm

Manorfield Primary School Food Store
Wyvis Street, Poplar, London E14 6QD
Thursdays 3pm-5pm

Blackwall Food Store
11 Oliphant St, Blackwall, London E14 0GB
Tuesdays 10am to 12 noon

The Felix Project

Providing nutritious food and meals for 40,000 people in Tower Hamlets – each year – who are currently facing food insecurity and hunger. Working with 80 community partners in the borough to help people in crisis.

Address :Unit 12 & 14 Thomas Road, Industrial Estate, Poplar, E14 7BN

Website :
Email :
Tel: 020 70932407

Bow Cross Food Store
Bow Cross Community Hub, Priestman Point, Rainhill Way, London E3 3EY
Tuesdays 2-4pm

Download a poster showing information about all the Food Stores

To find out more or to register as a member, please email

Visit our Facebook page: 

Hestia  (Members of the Referral site : Floating Support, Volunteering & Employment activities, Courses & Training, Wellbeing Activities )

We work with TH residents over 18, who are experiencing mental health challenges and need support during their recovery process.

We offer a range of opportunities, staring with practical support, such as supporting with benefits, housing, and health issues. We do not provide advice but can provide suppport.

We also run a range of social inclusion activities; visits to the museums, parks and houses of the parliament and support our service users if they wish to further their education, volunteering, or employment.

Our team are currently based at Brady arts Centre, every day of the week.

Address  Brady Arts & Community Centre, 192-196, Hanbury St, London E1 5HU

Main Reception: +44 (0) 20 7378 3100  Voicemail box: +44 (0) 20 3879 3700

You can also drop us an email.  on For a secure email path please send your emails to

Website: Hestia Life Beyond Crisis

LinkAge Plus (Members of the Referral site : Advocacy, Wellbeing Activities )

Linkage Plus is an innovative project for people over 50 living in Tower Hamlets.

Borough wide, it is based out of five hubs – Age UK East London, Neighbours in Poplar, Peabody at Sundial, Sonali Gardens and Toynbee Hall.Linkage Plus works with Older people to improve their wellbeing and increase their social networks and tackle isolation. Our services include:

  • One-to-one support at home or a place of convenience such as a café
  • Social activities such as coffee mornings and tea clubs
  • IT learning, training and support that suits you
  • Health promotion e.g. healthy heart talks, diet and nutrition, dementia and falls prevention workshops
  • Fitness sessions in your local area – chair based fitness, tai chi, Zumba, Yoga and walking groups
  • Support accessing the hubs and their activities, singing, art, trips to local museums and galleries

Address see leaflet for various location LinkAge leaflet
Website: Plus – Toynbee Hall

Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing Activities)

Groups, activities, and advice to support people with their mental wellbeing. We run a variety of groups based on the five ways to wellbeing: take notice, be active, connect with others, learn, and give. We also hold a monthly Activate Café, a chance to meet people, learn about services in the area and try out some of the groups and activities. Contact us and speak to one of our navigators to find the right support at the right time.

Address Open House, 13 Whitethorn Street, Bow, London E3 4DA
Tel 020 7510 1081

Neighbours in Poplar (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing Activities, Advocacy, Digital Inclusion, Community Care, Welfare benefit & Housing)

We work with Over 50’s in the E14 Area (Lap 7 & 8), providing practical support and care for vulnerable people who are living at home, regardless of their faith, age, race, gender, culture, or disability.

Our four  major projects: 

  • LinkAge Plus Outreach Service
  • LinkAge Plus Hubs (Hosting four Lunch Hubs per week, including a range of activities and workshops)
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Christmas and New Year Meal deliveries to hundreds of local vulnerable people, living alone

Address: St. Matthias Community Centre, 113 Poplar High Street, E14 0AE
Tel: 020 7531 0190

Ocean Regeneration   (Members of the Referral site : Digital Inclusion ; Wellbeing Activities, Welfare benefit : Form filling )

Ocean Estate Over 50’s Hub provides a number of different services to support those over 50s living on and around the Ocean Estate in Stepney. This covers the wards of St Dunstan’s and Stepney Green, Part of Limehouse, Whitechapel and Mile end.

The Community Community Advice Support Service offers benefits checks, Completing application forms and Application support to those Over 65 with particular attention on Pension Credit and Attendance allowance.

We also provide wellbeing activities such as our wellbeing walks, coffee morning and Digital Inclusion Support.

Address 115 Harford St, London E1 4FG
Tel 020 7780 3113.

Real Advocacy (Members of the Referral site : Advocacy )

Real supports anyone living, working or studying in Tower Hamlets who is disabled or who has a long-term health condition. 
Phone:020 7001 2170

Real’s Advocacy Service is a free, independent and confidential service, which offers one-to-one and group support for disabled people living and working in Tower Hamlets.  
We can help you with a wide range of problems, including trouble with social care, housing, transport, employment and using the NHS. 

For more information on Advocacy click here

Phone:020  7001 2177

Real Taking Control Of Your Life (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing activities, Volunteering & Employment Activities, Courses & training)

Would you like more choice and control over your life? Are you unhappy with your current care and support?  
If so, our new advice service Taking Control of Your Life can help you. It supports disabled people to make the changes they want to make in their lives. 

We can help accessing Wellbeing activities, Volunteering and Employment Activities, Courses and training  and help with family matters. For more details click here

Call 020 7001 2184  


St. Hilda’s East Community Centre Programmes

Food Co-op (Members of the Referral site : Food Support) 

  • Every Thursday, 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

St. Hilda’s East Food Co-op is open every Thursday 11:00 am to 3:00 pm  You will find us in the hall at St. Hilda’s or outside the community centre on sunny days. All are welcome! The Food Co-op offers fresh fruit and vegetables at affordable prices to the local community, provides a lifeline for housebound older people using the centre, and is a place to shop, chat and meet.

Stay & Play & new Sensory Sessions

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays  9.30-11am
    For parents/carers & their children – play, socialise & have  fun together with toys & natural resources in our beautifully refurbished play space!
  • Fridays 10-11.30am Special small group sensory play sessions alongside Stay & Play to develop physical, creative & cognitive development

Creative Women’s Cooperative (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing Activities; Courses & Training)

Do you have a passion for arts, crafts, cooking or design that you’d like to start using to make products to sell, or…you’d like to team up with others who have similar skills to share & learn? We’re offering the chance to develop your career & have fun!

  • Every Tuesday 12-2  for Creative Activities, Enterprise Training, Complimentary Crèche
  • Every Thursday 12-2 pm  for Yoga Classes, Follow Up Social, Complimentary Crèche

This has been made specifically by women for women so if you want to join in just come along to one of our meet-ups to find out more or email to be added to the WhatsApp group chat

Address St Hilda ‘s Centre, 18 Club Row, E2 7EY
Website :
Tel: 020 7739 8066

Working Well Trust Upskill Project (Members of the Referral site: Wellbeing Activities, Volunteering & Employment activities, Courses & Training)

Upskill Supports people who have been affected by mental health issues to take steps to improve their own wellbeing, health or employment goals by supporting people to access a range of wellbeing, training, volunteering or employment activities.

For more information please see upskill leaflet

Tel 020 77297557

WorkPath (Members of the Referral site: Volunteering & Employment activities, Courses & Training)

Worpath is a unique employment service for all Tower Hamlets residents, providing support for people at all levels of work, skill or experience. If you live in Tower Hamlets, we can provide employment support tailored to your needs, whether you need basic skills or advanced training; access to work experience, apprenticeships or graduate schemes; CV help, interview preparation and more.
If you are already working, we can even help you make a fresh start in a new career direction, or progress higher in your chosen area of work.
Our job is to give you the right mentoring, support and helping hand that you need, so you can move forward on your path to employment and realising your full potential.
Get started on your WorkPath – talk to us
Don’t hold back. Contact us and get started on your
own WorkPath.

Tel: 020 7364 5000

St Margaret’s House 

St. Margaret’s House is a unique arts and wellbeing community hub based in Bethnal Green, East London with local people, artists, and practitioners to create healthier and happier communities by providing welcoming spaces for everyone to learn, create, exercise, relax, play, eat, shop, make friends, and come together. As a Charity working in creative health, we deliver a range of arts and wellbeing activities for our local communities to take part in, many of which can be accessed for free or at low cost through social prescribing referrals.

We also provide a number of volunteering opportunities, from working in our wonderful charity shop Ayoka, to helping out at our Repair Cafes or with our live events programme.

Address 21 Old Ford Rd., London E2 9PL
Tel 020 8980 2092
Email Contact us — St. Margaret’s House (

Stifford Centre (Members of the Referral site : Wellbeing Activities; Courses & Training )

The centre is a community hub and provides a range of services including adult training in Childcare, teaching Assistance and TFL cab driving as well as ESOL classes and Health & Wellbeing activities.  From participating in sessions and activities and training, there is always something that the Stifford Centre can offer you and lots to get involved in.

Address 2-6 Cressy Place, London, E1 3JG
Tel 020 7790 3632

Other Referral Site User

  • Tower Hamlets Social Prescribers (Members of the Referral site- referrer only)
    Social Prescribing is a Tower Hamlets service that aims to address the social factors affecting health and wellbeing by connecting local residents to the non-medical support within the borough.

  • Look Ahead TH Community Intervention (Members of the Referral site- referrer only)
    Tower hamlets Community Intervention service (CIS) provides structured support for up to 106 individuals living in Tower Hamlets.
    The support is short term (up to six months) and focuses on providing support interventions to people with medium to high unmet needs.
    For more information including how to to refer see Referral process
    Tel 0203 222 4027

  • Spitalfields Housing (Members of the Referral site – referrer only)
    Address One Canada Square London E14 5AA

  • Bangabandhu Primary School (Members of the Referral site – referrer only)
    Address Wessex Street, Globe Road, London E2 0LB

  • Barts Health NHS Trust – Renal (Members of the Referral site – referrer only)
    Address 9 Prescot Street, London E1 8PR